Today Is My Everything
1440 minutes
24 hours
There are only 1,440 minutes in each day .Old or young, each person’ daily bucket is filled with the exact same amount of time. Life does not discriminate with any of us, when it comes to how much time it gives us in a day .We are all on equal footing when it comes to time .What isn’t equal is what we choose to do with the time given to us .That is where our success differences part ways .And this is where success happens .Success happen to only a selected few youths. This unusual group of youths make the most use of their 1,440 minutes. How does the average youths spend his /her weekday?
Breakdown of the 1,440 minutes of the average successful youth’s weekday:
 30 minutes or more engaged in reading for self-education for work or to help pursue a long term goal, dream or major purpose.
 30 minutes or more engaged in gym or aerobic exercise.
 15 minutes or more planning their day
 60 minutes dedicated specifically to pursuing a long term goal, dream or major purpose.
 70 minute or less making phone calls, emailing, skypeing, etc.
 420 minutes sleeping.
 40 minutes networking, volunteering, relationship building.
 500 minutes or more working.
 75 minutes or less travelling for work.
 75 minutes or less eating.
 30 minutes dressing, bathing etc.
 10 minutes meditating
 45 minutes dedicated to family.
 40 minutes running errands, recreation, cooking, home, miscellaneous.
The average weekday of a successful youth begins at 4; 45 am, or approximately three hours before arriving at work .Of course not every weekday is the same and not every successful youth is the same in terms of how they spend their time during the weekdays. Some spend more or less time at work, self –education, pursuing goals, with family etc. None the less, it allows us to pull the curtain back on the wealthy .It gives us a glimpse into their daily lives.The Average weekend day of a successful youth begins at 6am .The wealthy dedicate their weekend time predominantly to family ,recreation ,work ,exercise ,goals or ,self-education ,networking and volunteering .The bulk of their weekend time is devoted primarily to four categories : family ,recreation ,pursuing a long term goal ,dream or major purpose and volunteering .
LIFE teaches us to make good use of TIME, while TIME teaches us the value of LIFE.

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